Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

1<Jt,.ht mo'tion in thu r~tce. !oule,_whe.n it cenfiders, that, w_hat ,prc;grcffe· foever it hath made, yet he bath not hithert" a~t11ined. The Apofile c-p Aul cl id j therforefc/lo"'P hard tr; the m!lrk..,, 1 Phil.3•'3· boc;aufe he had not yet attained. I Doe thoo likewile nouri£h low GoQd . conceits in and of thy fdfe as c~ufeto be . .' fidl hum· knowmg, t .that thy knowledge ble and faith is br;Jt in part, till thaa • per fed: come : z. that. the higb prize is n9t here wholly below, n9r the prize ofimmartality r~ - be-mad in this mertaU e£late. 1'/t'- way then _with that proud con• cei~ gf merit: thou haft a~aine(fcnoughJ that haft attained to merit : tbOJ.1 art gotten farre beyond the Sairtts in heaven_. A... way with the t~anticke. c~nceit ®f · perfection .~ here : the GofpeU ~nd fitithfull Preachers c-afl d{Jwtu fuch high imaginati- 2._Cor.xo.f ~n.r againrt grace,.' Who art th "t.l . I I that , att: gt1t bef~re. the A-poft ~e , P ~~~~ ?• he·tor gat ·au that he had l done, and .pre_tfed hard to the ~ S 2. marke