Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

. . s .Rig;h1 .,otiow ftf thil rAt'l. marke before him : as goflei ~runners looke aot ~acke to fee how· ·mach ·they ·have runne, whkh wouldc~ them backe, hut their ·eye is ,en that before them, by which they tee how farre they are ltehind that they mu~reM:h. Bewaite ·then thy nQwneR~., Aitfeneff€, er lameneftein running, and pre4fc fsrwat:d Cl: ill. · 2 1"he motion muA: bee e&,A,.ej~tll] performed. ·Wee . mull fl.lfJne our race in earth, as the Angels in heaven runne theirs : now they are defcribed \vith -wing.t to fJye : fu m·wfl: we doe au~· Qur, fervic.es willint!y, not by c.onffraiflt; and e~~r,efllJ.., with all earnell:neCfeof afefho~t, as thofe that me~ne te attaine, and nf t~Oion, putting forth ali cur f.peed, as bee that ntnneth, intendeth th8whele force f)fhii body to ·advance himfelfe for- I w~rd., 'lnd (as theApoltle) prefftth ihMd tl-lht 11111rl:[. ; . _-· ~Oar