Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Right ••tio11 i11 thil R~ce. 3 Oar motiQn is right, when it is conj}4nt : S!'th w1thowt in"" termitiipn, and withot1t ceffati,. on.~ Firll, we muff not fometimos;. runne, .and fometimt!S1 fit fi:ill, Be· cen .. and.reftus as being weary : nor ftant with. asfozne,ruMeapace in the Sun- our interiline of the Church, and fbmd mHiion. fiill or gge @acke in her ll:otme : nor as !ome, that vvill bee goad and ramne apace, , while iomc tharpt affiidien, as a 1purre or goad, is thruft into their fides, . but afterwards grew a~ ·lazy, or worfe than before. But our cNtfc muftbe as the courfe of t./11 s.,,e, whith comei forth , as a Gyant to r11nne hi4.&111rfo pf&rg. 4 , 1 from EaG: to Weft, and never ftands nor remits of llil fpeed/ And as· a man who is to runnc fur. a great wager, hyes himfelfe wjch all fpeed thrgugk thicke ancl tbinne, fa wee, llaving , fo _great aprize in cur eye, mud, hold o;r pace through all e - · S 3 Aates