Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

I . , 3 Rigbt motion in thur~tce. fiates of .the Church, and ot~r felves,holding it the greatcfl: favouring ofour felves, not to fa- . v:our our felves in any co1tdi• tl611. Secondly, wee mu£1: runne conftantly 'n'itliof!lt cej[~ttil'n ; not making good our race a great · . way,and d1en failing, but to the very goale : f~r .I .It is unfoundnefle, that is a temporizer ~ the I ewes reJoyce in Jehn.r light but for A ~~Afon: and many beginn~ in the Spirit,l~mt end in thr fie/h. Mach feed ,fprings up, thoots, · forth,and bladetb,but never feeeth perfedi.,n, nor the· garner. 2. Both naturall and {upernaturall motion is fwih:er to the center-wa.rd. True piety never wants the crowne ef pedeverance : and tl:Jis never wants the crowne af eten~au life. 3. Vnhappy n1nners they e. re, . ; that loie all even at the goale : and unhappy paffengers, that fuff~r fuipwra·cke in the haven. 1 • and ·