Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

'K[-wArJiJfr•,•i"l· ~~ -wAnJ, Hcl. Ir.l6Jo p,,tlprefled on, as having tht •11r/r.! in bis eye. Nay,uur L.,rd him(elfe f•r the i4J fet bifO¥'• hi•, t'ndared'the croffe, and defpifcd the ftlame. Ana 'he &ripture eYery ,vhere holda·themarke in our ey~ : t • To coataine us in -the right way to that 111tarke. 2. To maintaine and -cherith in us a: fervent love and ddire of hea- -ven, and 6feternall life. Fai'th will be \~· ithly ID~kint "' thl•lJ withinthe vaile. l· Iocnc..,.. rage and fn!\aine the Saint• -in , all the difficulties of the· way; the more eafily to ~igeft 2Rd overpalfe them, · and to tC? ba,fleD them-to thefruition ofthat they . ' aeleeve.. . .TluiiJ~ IIIIIJ#ItAiwtr:-.. From tbe Atli~,,and the ,.,... ~w,wecometetbetnJ. As we 'h2ve encpired ·whether ~wee ·· m~ t;\l»ne te attaine, fo ·n~ . - _ .S. -S .wee •