3 ~ 2~ Rt~~rd of rllf!J?i'l!gv f we muft ·ertCJ.tire ~hether wee·· may attaine by .runnmgo · .Anf-w~ Wee mull: runne for. thit prqe, , \Vhich wee attaine notwitbtJnt rurming; yet n~t for ·. Obtain)ng our running, as the merit of it, .. isaot nf but hJ ie as a meanes of ubtaimerit, bat. ning. ~m. 9. 16. It iJ n1t i» h~m . ~~rcy! tha.t wifleth~ .,.,. runneth,. 6ut in . God.tlulf foeweth 1'11.~,.CJ. For» neither tis otlt runnipg,~ur aw ne \vorke, nor, unclu~, nor in any. p~opot~tion to the crow ne; nor .yet rerfed:,.but int~ b~fi very heavy an~ blan',le-wcrthy. And· tl;rerefore, . howft?ever lawfull: rw.tning a~inet~,yet it is. not~; 'a,,cau(e, .fer.thewor.koor me- . ri~ .otit.but a~ a w~ty and 1}lean~~ off>btaining -mercy. . fl.!!tjh·. Bttt is not the prize the reward c:f;onr running ? ·~a >widi ; · 0n[w. Y~s : Ma.tth• 5. 1 J: :qlled a , J Grc~tt H Jlllr re»t-Ard,sll heA'irlen: ·:! r~w~r~·~ and n(lne ~all runne weH, ;PJd ' ·be anrewarded,. :But firfi;; it is. . t~lle~ .a rewar~~, not pt-optrly, - b~,,