------ 1Qw.Ard of funilmg • .. ·bat b>y ftmilituJ~ , · becaufe it is giyen at the end of the worke· Secondly, it js a ~ rewar.d; . not legAl!, ) but;£11dt~gtlica/l; promifea in mercy,a~d in like 1ner;.. cy performed to the :run,~r~ theugh not for · his rnrming. Therefore th!! Apoftle ra·R hard for the prize (?'hil.l· t 4.J but for the prize ofthe high calling (Jf Go.J; that is, DQt which bee could attaine for running,or for, the merit of his tl:dfe, but for · tRe mercifull calli~g ;of·, God, vouchfafin§: ·.· him , a part in the free premife of his free grace. Hence it iS: alfo .calle.d (Col. 3. 7.4.) the r:cwttrd Df inhe,·ita11cc: Now an inheri-tance i& n0t· me· rited, but freely d\Jf~enQeth en fonnes,becaufe they are lcinnes~ and NG\-V abfiudwere it. fGr .a fon to goe and offer to buy his,inheritance efhis father '?) o~;,.n~ llnt I n:1ay run,arid not- , ebtaine ~;.a~ it, is;.faid; Many jhAil · eek,s !•'.tnfer3·, jlmLfo.4ll not bte · ,A#