H(J., tl: ~b.taine-by riH'JrU"C· ' ----- ~;p;;;;;j~th'l L~rd u,' tber~ u li- :lertJ.· He is that holj· 4noiming, -·dmt bring~ the oyle of grace to Jupple and :make nimble the joyn~ and Gnewes of the foule, -alul {uppty.aaivityaRd a~iLity to fpeed thee torwar(i - ~. asDa~ia profdfcth', Pfol. l Jg •.. ;z.Iwill ~Nnne tl9e wtty ~f th1Ci-()mn;ande111tnt J, ,_!,e, tbaH foAlt enl~trge •J h1~rt, Secondly,he nolonely fl rt,gtlulfl . the inner ~aH, , £phe[3.16. bat lulpeth ·a8o*ll ;,firmitiet1 which~ weuld .faint and_failt·ls, R""'· 8, ;6. Third- ' ly, he is the Spirit 'f foppUeAri· • '"~ and makeaus able. and wil- . lingtopray, and ··fohclp~s bS 3S ~· 1t were wxtn wings teward the { ,marke. Creat-'Jl~td ia there of ; this breath of~ the Spirit : alld . r 1 IJ'Cat is dae:firenJth ef prayOI": , alld .thereferc lioly men have ; .,ocae_. and often in it ; as . · D~iJ,: ... that th• lord.woakl •.. ••le! hu """'!lli•e ~efor:,.Jnm? ·' ?fAt.s,~~w.w,~·~~'~~ · . . ~ .' ..· . ,/ goi•ll ,,.l~t _ l , ·~ -· :. 2! . - '