--Ho-w to 1ht..ii11.~ 6Jt·rNnni•g-. way~ being a~l 4rawed w!th crotfea, but wdl choo~ a fatre broad·way thouglti t car.r¥,them deanefrom the marke. Why doe they not·c<tnfider ,that·they leave dte way whertin· Chrift himfelfe walked, and his A ponies ? and that the way to l1eayen is a ftrait way, and fow find· . it? · Secondly, carnall friends and ·2 ' ilad.fociety it as a cltaine to fetter, and as a-leatlen·,wcigh t ltaa· ged on the heelea of many, . tjal 1iy they rnn for heaven·... Thefe will perlwade, as 8ett'l' ·did €britl, cMttfler, pittJ thj{tlfe, ~herith thy lelfe, deny not thy felfe,thy liberty, thy reptttttion, aa.d fore@ them, llot to ftop 01ely inthe race, buttQ . fl,_e backe, as Peter among a corn- . pany .,f rake-hels will deny ana f@rfw&are his Mafier a5 faft a' any~ 1birdfy,fcor.ns ofcarn:aU 01ea. J AChri!Han ruancr mmtl: not bee mucli .,