Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

'" H Bll' to obt P4ine bJ. rtomin.g . ~ .A~f. By three rules _i. Firfi , , hold faft the 'dollrine of grace :. hold· it fir~Ngly, both in thy judgement~;utd in thy atled:iem; get not onely knowledge, but the love of knowledge: flick; ; cvnfcionahly -to the meanes, both pmbltke. and ,_ private• . For fpirituall fi:rength is maintained : by fpirituall meanes, · 3s sat11rall . by tuturall. A·nd by meetin~ Ged in Sio.n, in his owne Ordinances, Gods people "'Palk.! frf)1/J Jlrength to ftren_gtb, Pfa/. 8-+·7; . Secondly,,held fat\ the Jegret ·cf ': grace, that thou fall not frem , thy firft love,lirfr zeate and heat. . ·;wbatho~eofhis attaining the · ma\·ke before him; that goeth . backward ?.· r~ ow the way to ' keepe grace in the degree, is!) part_ly to repent of all, . to ea££ · out and ·kcepe CJUt all tinncs, fma!l and grear',open or fecret; . partly to refpeEi 11/l GQdJ Com... mandemen t J, even -the mofl: difficult, , cofHy, . and dangerous . - ~Th~d-