Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

, E~I11ragtetllt1 UJ rlln/olltl.J. Jl 3 light and meane~ to take,~ .tan. :b"t a farre greaterte lye·tldlln ·it. 'Hall: thou falne in d)y way ? r1111e~lr "'"'"c' thfiM blifl f tillt•, up· agaiue, and ace thJ prJ ,.,ork!, ·repentandarife.le'rl. 2. s. Which is t~e onely wayte prevent ·utter rfhame and confitfian:. ~tfl. But how may I be en- M orivcsro coura~, thus to , firive to at- ro runne, ·taine '? that •c . · A nf.t • Confider this : what- 111ay QbtaJa foever elfe thea attaindl, is no· ! thing but a lhade~v, fmQake, ~anity : all thywealth is but ·beggery;all pleafn~ebut hitteree'Re, all mirth but rrladnttfe. If tholl · ~taineR: no~this goale, nothinc · .tbat tkou att:tineft can ·make thee better, every thin1makes thee mud! Wbtfe. ~ 2 . As £ood never run, 'as not - att~ine ·: for, mot. •ttainin~tbou - fofell: all thybeginllinp,and -preceeclings, 'and, all tlly lab-oar . is loft ·; ~eta haft dtnc an~fo(ert• - rMAf!J