Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

I . ~tnJ SchoNer. A ~ood glaffe and pattcrne to fee llow farre our negligence hath caft ws behinde tbat wee might and ongh• to have attaiBed : that fhaming our felves, and bewailing our tortner fecu- 1 rity, we may now prGvoke and excite our telves to Jay better hold titpon wifdome,and redeem our future opportunity in the meancs of graee and ialvation, gracioull y !hll CQnt~nucd unto us. 399 This verfe bath two parts : the 1 ext. I . An holy prayer-, Teach me,O I Lord, th~ »'AJ of thy StAIHte.t : 1 . A religi~us pr(lJmi!e,or vow, A nd 1 -will k.!ept it 11nto the · end. . In the prayer we have I. I. The Objetl,God,O L?rd. Of the I The Petitioner, te-ch n;Je. l prayer. 3. The Petitton,to be tttHght 1 in Statutes. · I Which Statutes are defcribed, r. By the Auth"r, or effictcnt, thJ Statlrltes :· 2. By a metaphor T z f)r