Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

The Di'fline Tet!t.her · or fimilitude, the way of thy Statutes. . F()r the meaniRg ofthe words, wee nmfi en~aire and finde 1 What be tne{e Statutes. ~ Whofe they be : thJ. 3 Why ·called the W~JJ of Statutes. · 4Why David defires to · 6e tttught in thJs way. For the firfl: ofthefe: By Stttt utc J, fotnet~me the Scriptures underfiand the Ceretnoniall or Leviticall law of Mo(u, difiinCl: from the morall and judiciall: as in 1nanypiacescf:Deu, 6. and 7· where Ordi,aances or St.atutes are oppofed to Lawes and . C0mrnandements. · So in 1 P[A/.89·3o,;J.aref.o~1rewords : l • ' Lttwei~ that is, the whole Dochine of the ward ; by juJge.:. mentJ are meant Iudiciais : by I StAtutes ,rites .and ceremonies ~ 1 arom by Prct7}'tJ, . ~he moral! ~~w •. 11 ,But 1n thts Pf~tlme, 7>~tvld ever~ . f h ~" • . ... , uet