Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

! flnd S eh oiler. , , ufeth many words to expreffe the fame. . thing. The whole W orti extant . is called a Law, becaufe it bit~des to obedience asalaw-. At'cflimony,becaufe it tdl:ifietl.1 theW it of God concerning his Serv:ice : ·and his good will and fatherly aff~Cl:iott CQncerning his fervants and children. ft.uigcmentJ , . becaufe in them right and truth is diGcerned fro1n wrong and falfchood. CommnndementJ,implying the foveraignty and alllho.. rity of God the. Commander. S,atUftJ . here ' · a. flatuendo: I. Recaufe as a ftatate-law: the Word w·ri:ten~fets dow.n limits and rules,..how fane wee are to goe, and what todoe,anclleave. undone. ~ for all Kii1gs make ftatute-lawes for their fabj~Cl:s~ 2. Becaufe as ll:atutes are enforced witlu:ewards and_penalties·, !o .arc the Lords pr~cepts, . in keepin.g•of w_ hicb u grctflt re:.. ward, , and no~ leile dasger in T 31 tranfS;amtes £or two reafons.