Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

40l St~ttNt~J 'fGDJ. tr~nfgreffin1 any ofthen1. For the 1 econd generall Whofe be they? thy fiatutes. r. BccaufeGod is the Aathor of them all : and although hee ufcd hisAmanuenf6S,who thernfelvcs ufed great d1lig~nc- in writing of the common falvation, JuJe 3• yet all hely men wrote the whole Word dJ tluJ -were JnDVtd IJ] the ~DI.fGhos1, l Pn.1.21. · OlieD. But it feemes un~rtaine, whether all were writ ten by the Spirit ofGod : for Saint 1 Cor 1-6, P~tNI ( 1 Cor 7 .6.) fpeake s by opened. permijfion, nDt C ommandellltllt :. and verf. ~tit .I think! I ht~ve the Spirit of6eJ: he feems te dQubt ·of it. · tAn f. I. Saint .JD aut fpeakes by .permiffioo, not Comm~nde-. ment: flet in refped of the Ef1 flcient,by whoml1e was tnoved, . which was the Spirit CJf God : I but in refped of the matter, ..J \v.hich being. a tliing aot of ft1ch ( · . abfo-