Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

L ~Ol ahfolute necellity, he was dire--: \ Ctcd to choofe a manner ofdeli- \ very proponionall ; conceiving itfittertoperfwade·· then1 in a · thing indifferent, as mo_re convenient, than t0lay an ab!"lute @G>mmat:ld, as ifit were a ~hing abfolutely neceffary. 2. Where he faith he thinkes hec bath the S-pirit of God, bee fpeakes not . d9uhtfnlty, . (fer he was fure hee had:) bw.t lJumhfJ, by an e.mphaticall mei1ji1 or dtmi·nution, fo to checke the boaHing of prend and falfc Ap0ftle~, who ta magnifie themfelves, and ex tenuante aRd elevate Pauls aut11ority,rnade great brags oftne Spirit of God,which they faid Ptml wanted. · z. They are called Gods fh- \ tntes, becan!e hee is alfo the princ:ipall tJbieOl,~r fuhieEl matt-er of them: :as the bookes of · the I\ ings ·were io called, not becaufe they were Writers of l them, but becaufe thcmielve~, .· T . tn.etr· . '