Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

~heir perfons and ails are the princi}'all matter ofthem. 3: 3. Becaule hee is the preferver and maintainer of them : for elfe had they long· £ince beene loft and perifhed, by the rage of Tyrants and Heretickes, but chiefly by the wrath of Satan againfi then1. 4. His by etnine~cy, for the of thefe excellency and perfection of fiature:s a. them, and to ditl:inguilh them bove udHr ·.from all the Iawes and fiatntes of n1e'n: for, . I Firfl:, ·all mens lawes are imperfect, alterable, abrogated or F(al.t_9 .7 changed at their pleafttre : but .th~e L~w of the Lort~ u perfea, ana as unchangeable as hitnfelfe. 2 Secondly, they are temporary, and for this p.refent life onely, and bind not beyond it : but thefe are eternall, the d1arter and rule ofbeaven. Thirdly, they may diretl and 3 commanJ, but give no ability to T~----~----------~----- per-