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1 their EminmCJ• I performe, as they doe. They. may cm·be and reprefle the el vill ofnature,but cannot chapge I , the nature, nor alter the tnan : but Gods fl:atutcs not onely di1 reel the way, but lead intQ the ·, way; not onely refl:raine cor- \ ruption, but aboli!h it. It con-- I vert.r the {oule,and changeth tlie heart and life; l - Fourthly, they ;for thdr end · conduce to a·we.JJ / ordering of a, civill and fociable life amongA: . 1-nen, in peace and lionefiy : ·but ! Gods fiatutes to the ordering of a fpirituall and hcly life among: Satnts, before God, for the' at..... -taining ofgrace and glory. Fifthly, thofc being tra!l!fgreiled, the Law-maker may pardon; or he may give a.difpenfation to himfelfe to violate · themJ and none is above him in t his Kingdome t:o p~niili him. David ·the Kingno.eds not much , te feare anY. Jaw 0f man :,_ but Geds fi:anttes tranfgrcifed, .none T. S·· but