Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Thtw~l,.of 1 but- God can . pardon ; from r whom Ro fleih c~n g~t-difpeniation to offend in the leaO: branch but it iliall be rev.enged : in him... felfe or his furety. '· ··-so of the feGond generaU; 1 .3:wbyJt But thirdly, why cloth V Avid -~ is called call the \vord the )J1ay of Gods ~edw_ay of fiatates? which bath a ·rneta- . ' '11:70 SCOW· • • ·lrlande~" · phor,..andnoteth lznguianty.. . : menu~ An[m. 1. The Metaphonm~ I 'Metaph<'r . plyes, that we are all 'travel!erJ of a way, here in·, a firange countrey, and what it · l · ·:..'1·1.Lrm'",'.,'nu1 n11 t. travellmg_ho:~e,Hev rr . I 3>14. ~ lfl i l ~UII1,.1f ll•• l iO?pJycs. 'B h k ~ ·.x ~ Dtlt t ·e way we now nor, nor can man or Angell teach u.~ the way, ~nletfe God lhew it to us, as 'he did to A dam., , who could, lo!e his 'vay, . but at hitn!elfe· could neYer finde .it. · 2 ~ It-:imp1yeth,thatCod hatb , made known.e th~ wtf} . in his-. \\-'ord: called the way, b.oth be-. caufe it points us the way,~s alfo becau!e it leads us to heaven amd happint:tf.e,_:·as a "\V~Y tends te fome en,dh ~ intended plac~. ~e~e.