Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

tttrt!.ll, as eating and drinking, all .mull: be to theglor} of God: or r:ivi/1 , _ authority, fubjeClion, marriage, and duties of the fpeciaU calling, and ~conomicall ) duties, all muft bee contained within the limits ofGods word: Deu.u.3~ or_religio~.;r,duties ~f~ods wor- - · lhtp, pLtbhke or pnvat~; What- - foever I con;mttnd-thee;1f,at doe i -o.neiJ: all the TabernaclE;. the ~vhole and pat·t~, cw:n to the ,. -1 fmallefi pinnes, mufl: be framed 1 tQ the patterne in tfue .mo~nt: . ·/1 o~·lu~~croHJ,.fports,~ecrcatio?s; · Ceds ftatutes mufl: dtred,which . i 2re lawfull, which )1ot; how far - 1 IawfuiJ, or not: 11nd f0 f0r cir-:. cumf1-ances, oftime, place, .aJJd I per.lons;and for manner and end.,. . aUto ~dpe ~tter~ more feri .... QU., s 5. ·'Dtt!<ld imp.lyes in..tl1is f1. 1~ili~ucde, that whofoev~r are out (j)f this way, ;1nd traRigre!fe tllefe fl:atutes,~hey wander from · the 'G<:>d o(pea.c.e,~nd fr~m l~fe~. are