Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Geds Statui-e.r ,why. are out of Gods proteCtion, and. lyable to all the curies of the law~ as men oul of the Kings high-w_ay are o111t of the Kings I pretertien. Hence it is laid of 1 wicked men, Pfal. 14.3. Th~y . di'C allgsne out ~f the way :and, \the way of peace they have not , l(_n .?wnc. And as a man having loft his vr;ay, knov;es not where , he fhalllodg~, fo ft1ch ·.as ~oe on I their owne vvayes, hill owing the lufl:s oftheir hearts and eies, are blind-folded and carried by Satan to the lodging ofdeath, even eternall. · Thefe·things lye in the Me-. tapbor. · Then for the Jin,gulari'i] of this way: he flith, thy ~ay,nGt -wayes: for Gods way is but one, bu.t by-paths are many. ·Many are the· fciences, ~nd · other) knowledges-: werthy olitr labot'lr and paines :bQt D.a'1Jid abev-e all, defires the knowledge of this oRe,.and onel7 way.ofGo~~and . ()f 2. Singu.lari• ty_ ofthis wa,y,