Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

D'.fir~ t6 J,~ t~tught thiJ wa 7 • l - --- ef falvat1on. • 06itEf. I. The heavenly I e.. Rev.zr .t :. rufalem hath twelve.g-ates: ther.- .1 · . fare the way is not one . . I · .An[. The place fpeaks notof ·l fo .. many wayes, but that from ! all coafh the Ifrael of God en~ ters by this one way. 06iefl•. 2 . Wee read of the · "-lt}tJ of God,y-1[fs 1 3. i o. A nf. 'Iihofe be fo many ll:eps . in· the w~y of God,, but not ft» many fev.erall wayes. David-· . knew but one ~J of fratutes_, · . which ~e wculd be taught, that , I hee mtght lvoyd ·all by-paths, . 1 an:dfo co1ne happiLy to ,the end.·) 4 • Why ofhis way. t··mlliRID;I;Il lllll 'D,aviJ de... ·nut for tlle fourth generall .' · lires to be why cloth 7J;~vid defite to bee uught in taught of God ?-,. he h~d G11d and chil wa7, Nathlln., the Prophets : bee had ., , ordinary Levtte5 : hee had the . Scriptures -: .. -\vhy then d-eth hee . not apply himfelfe to the means , to wl!ichGod tye~h him ? · J~ At![. . 1 ~ · 7)tt.11id.i bad· ·good m.eanes ~