Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

D~flr-e to be tAught thuway. 41,.1. me~nes, . and . \Vas tno!l:diligent: in theufe ofthem ; he was a di-~ ligent reader, and fpen~ ni,;hts ~ and dayes in meditation1of- the Vvord : but yet to all tbefe,~nd t above all thefe be defiteth Gods , teaching, , without . whieh all·~ thefe-are in vaine. ·Paul " MAJ . I Cer,J.6• plantsancl.. ApQ//q-'fi'Attr, but Gotl ;' 1 gifl:eth the ntcrettfe•. 2.. Hee k»owesthat all oth'~r Teacher~canbnt,te!cli the eare: z~ God alone teacheth,a-nd~ope"netbt. tht heArt, .as Ljd: ~t, .rvffls 16. . 14.And whereas.Satanand wic• ked-metifq:'lay have agreat deale Qf £p~cnlativ.e knowledg~, and . g~e t<? hell ·; ·bee d~res aJh in..... i ward Teacher,". and··to bee. in"! \wardly taugl:lt by the teaching. of the Spirit. ·;. Hee here crav£th foure 3 · things in this one petitio•, be- _ ~ugre d • ·· tntn ' c• y~nd all mens reachtn~• · fired which. .firfl,. .teach me to ·Atl-emltlt·e l. m;an can•. .way of thy Llatater, .. -..tbat1 · m~y ·n(ii. rea~b-~ · U:n.de·r~.l}..4 tbem., ~auictby:wottd : ~I! J "·'llcJ