Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

lJtjire t~ 6e tAught thu WIIJ. be not a cl~tf}ed 6cok.! unto ~e; neither may I, ._ by miffing . the right fcope, pervert rhe fame to mine ()Wne deftr.uElion, as many abuie mall¥ r.laces to ·firengtben their owne Iufts, v.c. that place of providing for the familie,.to tnaintaine covetou!neffe; and the finnes of Patriarkes to defend the like, vvhere the r~ht !cope a·nd {enfe i~ - not attended. Secondly, teach mee to 11jfetl the way ofthy ll:atutes, that my heart may melt as /ofi'ahs at the hearing of the Law, and be pri~ ... /:jd and broken with the thre4ts ~fit, as \vere thofe Converts that eryed, Men and hre.thre,, what fha ll \VC doe tobe faved? Aur1.37· WhenthePromifes are preached, or p~omulgat~d, let .my he9r.tJil.are. and open it felfe, as the thir.fty ground, and reiiJCe du1t l1 underfl~ndttll the w.•rd t~enght,?-s .J.Vish. $-.r;. T:his m~:~fl: we. pr.ay, that the merewe .kno\v, .. tbe .. more.w.ee.may love God~·