Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

------------------------------- Deftrc to 6e ttt'!gh,t thio wAy. God: that the WordGfGod,hy the worke ofthe Spirit, may be. as fire, n~t 0nely f{)r the light of kne>wl.edge,bitt alfo for· the heat . and warmth Gf affecti3n,&c. Thirdly, teach 1ne to heleev~ · thy fl:atutes , f01· :tU true and comfortable kflowkdge is applicatory : it refl:s not in the·underftandiag, but is afir me a!fent in the Will, laying hold on the thing koowne. And- this mtqfl: 3 we pray, feeing all knowledge, not mifigledwith fait-h,.is unpro.. Heb~i·J. fitable. And th~n \VC are taught to b~leeve, when according to the word of the Law we choofe 2nd·wor£11ip the true 9ed for oar G·od: and according, to the voyce oftheGofpel we beleevc in him whotn the Father· bath {et~t, ~-ac.kt:lowledging hi1n not onely a Chriil: and Iefus, b11t Ioh lO,l-!. a1ine, at ThomMfaid~ MrLord Iob.19•2.1. and my Cjod ; and as/ob, 01-1] R~deeiner liv~th; and· thatiefas ChnH: brings talvation to me / throuoh ' . b .