Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

4I 4 Still dtflrttl /Je t4ught. through remiffion of finnes,~ 4 LII'<JI ·17· Fourthly, teach mee to 116~J thyftatutes: for all founclknovvEptef.4.2l ledge is practicall: and to kno\v Chrift: M the trHth is in Chriff~ is, to &Afl offthe Did m;z, with hi! lufts, ••d pNt 011 the "nv. This mut! bee eur prayer, that the Lord woula io·teach us his way, as we may walke ia it : that hee \VOUld fo take us i11te his foboole as te become both more skilfitll Iam.t.t1 ana more holy! that feeing not ht4r~rJ, l1Mt duerJ Art iuftified) I 01.1r porti0n may bee in dieir Luk.t1.2.S• · /;l~fTedn~ffe, thAt h'eAre tht W&rd Andk.,:epe it. This was DttvidJ ayme in this prayer, ~eft,. B!lt why is he fo ear.. 1 1 Why 'D~ nelt, being a man of fo deepe , oid,a •an knowledge and unrierfianding ~f fuch already ?· nowledg, ~~~r. 1. A good heart, in- defires tQ be ftill !lamed with love of God, ·can uugb~. never bee neare enough : love t loveth, and liveth, in union. If it-. _____;.________ _ _ __ . j