Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

-----~~-----=~~=======- l Still dfjire to ~e tatti.ht. I I it be in the way to him,it wo\1ld . ·1 get furtheritill. · I 2. Tho~\.1 hee hee taugt-&a in parr, yet he feeth what a fmall meafUre llee had~ attained, and defireth to bee taught further. No marvell, if bee that llath a tafi:e oftbis knowledge, defire bis fill andfatiat'y. He that fee- - ethbliltin part, . defireth te fee more perfe~ly. Nanue abht>rs ' vacnity and omptinefie : and much more, grace. ; . Hee is eameft to know the · way, to {he,v that he &allnever -c_ome at Gqd, who cares rtot t.e. keepe the way to hith. Many defire to came to God, but it n1nfl be in the way of the worl~, . ·or of pleafure, O't" of cuftome,or. earnall fellow fhip, or lufts of· their owne hearts. All the!e are dead defires ,leading fron:t Ood_, David will det'ire the way, as · well as the end. And 'vee al(o mnfinotbawketbe meanes, 1f we ay me at the end. · This, 3