Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

DotJr. r All trLle knowledg iafro111 Gotl. 1 ~et.r~zo AU trHe k,zzo"PP/edge This of the Expofition of our Text. NQw follow the inflruG!i~nJ. Doflr.I 0 In tha~ Do~~vidgoeth to the tord te be taught,learne, that ~t./1 true kz6o-wlcdge iJ from God: whence hee is called th~ God ofa11grace: aad 2 CDr.4.6. God tb:.zt comm~tnd~d ligbt to , foin~ in J~rrk,qn·e Jfc, hatb fom~d in ourhe~trflo V"11·'-.20o !he God ~fbe4ven re7Je~tleth fcerct.t.o And therefore he is called light :not onely etf€ntiall,in hiatfel(e, but by participation. 'J./.t.4fon 1. Gods way wa~ts-ateaelter, tbe way effinrte wants nane. And this teacher mull: not b~ manhitnfelfe, but God: fur the n4turalt· ma11· pert~ivrs ngt the things of God (I Cor:z. t 4'·) n·'r can di{ccrne them, no more then a blinde man can · judge of col0nrs. H~ walk.!th in. the dark:.1 ofhis owne night anrl nature,_ and ftngwes rzot whither hc.crJrth fah. I 2. 3 50 The t~ay!e · upon.·