Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

ufromGcd. , ____ ·upnn the heart mufl: be rcmovtd · · 2 Cor.J.I6.) and the Father · mull: draw,, or elfe none can come to the Sonne. ' 2. A natarall ma11 is fo farre from helping himielfe out of darknefie, that bee increafeth his blindneffe every day, and thickens the mi!l: of his minde. And \V ere it . a bQdily darknetfe, as that of Egypt, it \vere ldfe dangerous : but this is far more rlefpcrate. That was on. the be>- \ dy, endangerinfi the outward I man : this on the foule, endan- . gering that. In that, men deft- ' red light : in this they hate the 1 light, and love darkeneffe. In that. they vvould bee glacl of guides : i~ this, refufe guides, 1eorne,asd revile taem. In that, they were afraid and fate fiill three dayes together : here adventro\ts, more forward to lead then afeeing man to fellow. In that, they were fen!ible of their mtfery: in this, they thinke themDarkt~tAc of foulc far worfe than that . of Egypt.