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3 Two things in trucknow. ledge, »c. yond naturc:s reach themfelves in a goecl cafe ,and in the way te heaven till they find themiclves at the gatei E>f hell; as the Aramites thought themfelves going to E/,flut his houfe, till their eye• were open and faw themfelves in Samaria, in the mid!toftheir .enemies. So as no way can a naturall man wind himfelfe out ofh is natural darknefle. ~. True knowledge hath two things above the reach of nature. Firfr, a found Object , namdyhory thing1, Prflv.9.1 0. Now all the firength of Nature is too low and \veake to reach them. Anaturall mans-nay bee wife in natnrall things, er tn civiU atlions,yea wife to doe evi' : but to doe well in fpi rituall . things, hee is·,vithout all wile- .... dotne. For nothing works beyond his ability. Secondly, it • mttft have a tou.nd Agent :. tt mufi be \Vrought by the Spirit : · it is the inf}irAtioll of the ~~- . migi#J ( '