Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

\ i4 fr•• G~d. 4 J 9 . mighty thllt g~eth N11dtrjl,_,_ .,...__ ding, t'" 3 2, 8. Flelh and blood ~revutlu it "ot, c..M'At. I 6. nay I the holieft men cannot reach it without Gods teaching : Efo. I ~ 4. I 3. they fh•ll he Ill/ tANght of God: and, 1 c,-.2.12. we have 1 received the ffiirit •f Goa, tht~tt I we might tno~ th1 thingstJfCY,J. · Then if any want wifedome, V(t I. 1 let him aJ~ it t~JG"'J: with Da.. Iam.l·f 1 vid, let him goe to God for the Pfa.a 19,18 1 ope,;ing:_ 0f his eyes. Salomon l begged true wifedeme, and an .,. underll:anding heart, and obtained it ofGod, 1 Kiwg.3.g.And the rather oaght wee to doe the like, becaufi we fee in S4/omon how G"d is \vell-pleafeci. with this petiti&R; who fuffers not a :luit, fo pleafing to kim, t0 goe · away u~anfwered. And ho ~ can it bee Gther unto the Lord, when in this requeft wee acknowledge the mourn run darknetfe and blindndfc of cur own minds, · the infinite dep~h anc1 bound-