Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

,tf-lQ Alltrtt~ lz.now!edt.~ . boundle!fe ~cean ot wifedo~e and knowledge in him, a'Gd that we depend on him fGr knowledge, which \ve~ ptofdle a · treafure in his·cuftod y alone., and that iA the f eeking of found knowledge wee have an _earn eft deftre to obey and pleafe hitn ? And as this is a great meanes ; · of Gods glory, fo alfo of our . J owne good : for by this ~canes, ; as by a key, \vee unlecke unto-' I our [elves the rich treafury, and I full fl:ore-houfe of grace and wifdotne; prayer bein~ the key ot heaven. fJ/J,ieEl. But hath not 'God decreed unchangc;ably what to doe,whom he will teach, whoru net. ? in as our prayer or not ·prayer can never alter his decree~ ' ~nf. r. God ath decreed as \veil how to d thiFlgs, as what he will doe : a ·d therefore · Gods decree takes not away prayer, but fiablifueth 1t. ~.God