Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

ufrom Gsd. 2 • God bath decree-d to doe feme things immediately, by himfelfe ; othe-r things mediately, by the creature. Im-mediately by himtelfe, without the concurrence of the creature,bte decreed to create Adam.Mediately, by the concurrence uf Adam an.d Eve, bee decreed the bemg of Cain. So for the effeCting ofmany" things, in matters · of regeneration and fal vat:ion,he hath decreed that his f~rvants fhall concurre with him, or elfe the thing ·!hall not bee done : as in tqi~ inll:ance, _9u prayer no teachm0". b Never theref.ore feeke knowledge in the meanes, \\·ithout .prayer to the Lord, wh0fe onely -it 'i$ tv give. Thou comrnefi: to Church to heare the vV ord, t0 get thine eye_s cpened, to bee taught in the way of Gods fiatutes : why now failefi: thm of -that thou i~ekefl: ? but becar:... e l thou feekefl: it at the n1ourh o -I .....__ _.,._ __,_'_i__ .~· --~~~?-}___ ~ '.