Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

- .All tr11e k.?.~o~ler:/ge man, and failefi in feeki~agGod for bleffing. Many heare and read a long time, but theWcrd thrives not, profpers not, lives flOt in their hearts nor lives ~ they are ignerant,not infinned ; they are prophane, and not refanned : And wJly cloth that word, which prevailes with o.. thers, doe them no good, but becaufe one prayes for bleffing, and·fee-kes higher than theMinifter, the other prayeth J'l(.i)t, or to no purpofe ? And marke fucA as having heard theW ord~ run cut before prayer for bkffing; never looke the VVord thould profper there : ye lhall never fee~ found worke in fuch pertons, on w horn is the brand of I fuch prophanenefle, as to flye from the-face and prefcnce of God. Lutiier profe!Ied bee got n1ore know1 edge by praier, then by all his fiudy : And thou fhalt never profper in the Word,tlut neglefltfi prayer.