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ufrom God. Minifl:ers efpecially mull: pray for themfelves and their f'COple. I. For themfelves~s TJ~tniel, T'fo z • cap.z. I 7. bee and his fellowes 1 ~inifters IJefoecbeJ. the God of heave11 fgr ouldf , h . • d h I rray Or gr~tcesn t o(e fecretts: an mttc ; thcmfelv(t more need we for grace, too- · tJen to us the myctene of this Kingdonie. Many good wits which are as laborious in findy ·· and reading, are not fo profitable, and marvell that they cann~t reach to fttch agift, as fome other. The very r;<;afon is; they ft:ndy, read; and meditate, but pray not, o.rlleighdy ; and not craving a bleffiag, they have none. 2. For the peop~e! th~ God , And thdr wuuld profper hts Word to j people. them, and adde his teaching to 1 theirs. '2 King . 6 . .. o. Eltj7ut \ prayed, that the Lord would o1 pen the eyes ef the Syrians~ that they might fee th€mfelves iN the midR ~f their enemies : fo , V 2 · · mi1fl: