Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Do!i!r. 2. Semnd know'ledg .·is ever . ' humble. mufl: Mini!l:ers be often on their knees in fe.cret, that their people may fee themfelves in the ·midfl: of their hellifh enemies, anth~if.cerne the-danger, fo as to apprehend tbe meanes of their !afety. . · Thus of the firfl: point. l. Ia the pedGn prayi~g, teach mee; '])avid a man after ·G-ods owne heart, aProphet, a . Teacher,aPen-manofScrip.ture one that had aGngular meafure ofksowledgealready, yet hee defires to bee further tau-ght ; learne, that Sound ~end f.tving k.!zowledge u an hum/; le . ~ow!edge. Goas childe thinkes his know ledge to bee ignGrance, his fight to bee blindReffe : not out of bafendfc of min~, or.mi!l:aking the gift, · but R lft r. Becaufe no man leeth him- . eA tm-s. felfe fa well, as he that is in the 1 · cleareft light : and he that hath mol\ w·ifdo1ne, bett. feeth his