Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

------------------------------- 1 u ever humhle. o-~-;;·;-~-~nt§.-Ho; cloth--M---o-{t-es, learned to adtniration, debafe hirnfelfe, and der0gat~ from himfelfe, when God calleth him? Exod. 3. And how cloth .Agur dejeer hi111fe~fe,as not having the u'n.derjtAnding f!{ a man in h.im,1>roil)o.2.whofe praier, what is it but~ mournfull C0tnpfaint ofhis owne ignerance ? 2. Tn-1e knGwledge fhewes a man his own.imbecillity, even ·after converfion, that'althot1gh he be now light in tlu Lord, ytt he fhall fee ne feeth but in part, and knoweth hut in part, becaufe of his;owne wu1k.t capacity, to .comprehend the myfl:eries .farre above his reach ;c I ouds ef corruption left in him, t>bfqlring the Sun:&:le-fhine of the \Vord, in it felfe deareen0ugh, but wee looke through blacke gbtfes; rejifl-anee of will, which is bnt in part renewed :. obedreace being but in part, plainly argueth our knowledge fo . to . · V 3 be: Bph-s.s