Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

...____ ) True Kno"Wlulge. : be :/~h. · 7.17 Andtheundcrftttnding is not yet fo captivated, nor the ~Jfeflions fg pure, but that they weuld fhape the Word to themfelves,not themfelves to it : hence they iee themiclves as the rnan (U'rlArf?..: R. "t 3.) re!tored to fight, but at fir!lfaw men walkJ.ng ~~~~ t~·ees; they are not fi:one· blinde as be- - fore, but have now a weake and indifiintl: fight, fo as Chrift mufi: follow his owne worke againe, and again J'Ut his hands on them; fe a~ their fight grewes fl:~l clearer, but never perfeCl till they come to fee God ashee is: the cafe of the Bel'eever being the cafe of P au! in his -Convedion, being O:rucke blinde, his 1 fight ·was refl:ored.by the falling off of the skales.. before hts eies.Thefe I\E?I'IJ1H, skales ()f falfe conceits and natttrall opinions are long in falling off our eyes, even from our c,onverfion tlll our difiolui tio~.