Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

.r' u evtr huml71e. f 42'/~ 3· So!1ndknowledgeishum- \ 3 . } ble, becaufe ofthe excellent ob- e., double jettof it, whichistwo-fold: Obie f' , firll:, the fl:atutes of God, the wbid1 matters 0fGod which are deepe ~:eepc: s it and high myf1:eries,farre beyond Hilnmle, the reach of highdt capaci~ics: there are mountaines as \V ell as · vallics, gulfes for Elephants t() f\vimme as wcl as fhol!ow fords for Lambes te> wade : there are the depths ot PreddHnatit.n, In · carnation, Trinitv, and th(: like, in wb'ich the Angds tnay pofe their underfiaiJdings. SecondI y, - God himielfe whom wee murt know in Iefus Chriit,the 11earcr whem wee c9me, tl:le more humble we will be. MofeJ, as familiar as hee \vas with God, yet comming neart! unto him, eajl himfelfe Dn hu f~tce, and profeffed that hee \Vas bnt du(t and allies . A man by beholding the Sunne clifcernes the wcakeneffe ofhis eye: fu here• .. ... , 4· Soundknowled~e is..hmn- . . t _ V 4 -~ bk.