Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

42·8 ( Sound Kn~wledc.'!.e \ ble, given onely te lh~ hu.mblej ~nd in filch a n1eafurc as they 1 may bee kept humble Cl:ill. For the Lord in great wi1do1n gives not knewledge, either-in kinde or mea(ure, to puffc us t1p,bt!tt in his difpenfation preventeth the I l aodiccan pride of our hearts, knowing how hardly we could gu.ide any perfech0R here. Againe, he deal~s with us ss Pa- , rents with children under age, and-gives us knowledge in the . meafareof children, and not of firong men.P~ru/himfelfe l<new tU a childe,and in part, I Cor.13 and the bdl: muf.l: know they have but inchoation of gr-aee here,and muft grow in grace,and: in the k.!.J&rP!tdgc of lefuJ Chrift·. Bdides, God gives fuch a mea.. fi1re of grace here, as may fland with an holy covetO'.dnelfe of wifdome, and fuch adefire after it,as 1s inf.·aiablei that we might fearch theScriptures,withthofe . noble ~erea.ns, as for ,t.ilver and