Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

gold; and . kno\v· the price of wifedome to .19ee farre better. Lal1:1y, that wee might niit reil: in this darke and petty Sch<:)ole on ~ earth, but long and ddire that happy efiate of he~ven, where is underftanding without error ,knowledge withe>ut ign.o., ranee, wifdome witnoLit folly. J This male P anl cafr his eye beyond the t'refent,and !et his af- .. fecriun upon that perfect: which was behinde·: · I ·Cor. I 3 .9, to~ :JX.:;w we k... n:ow in ptzrt :hut when tbat perfeC!: h· come, then t-hat :l.- "'" »?hich iJ in part, .foall 6e aboli- ~ foed. Now -we foe Mind; gla[Je,~ . but then we jh't-t!l..fte face to face. ' And withall, it·, wiU make us ; priz~ Ie!ttH·Chrifr; and flye·unto . him, in whom-·we recover per- . .fed:ion of knowledge, being ! d f G d d r-C-or.r~3o ma e te uso . J w.ift ~Jme as V(e 1 .. vveLlas righteoufneffe. • . See rhy Hence then the befl: m.en that · v;am of klnow motl:, mull.: fee they want· w1fdome _ m~ch wifedom\', , and ~ mu~h , ~aJ ~now .V 5.- know- ... c ge.