Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

430. Kn~wledgeofgcdljand other1, knowledge. Let me~ fee a tr1an gotten 9eyond DaviJ in found kn(}wledge of God and himfelfe: and yet in this Pfalme he c1n make no end of this defire : . and let this ferve to beat down the idle conceit ofj{nowledge: · if D avid who was of extraordi:- n2lry know.ledg~ and grace, faw .. fuch darkeneffe in-himfelfe, and. \vanted fo much of Gods teaching, what doe '\VC ?: wh~t may \VCC ?, fuall ariy man content· himfelfe with his meafur-t" attaiaed,as ne.eding no .more ?-· ffialL. Davids.-meafure humble him, _ and lhall thy meafure~ make thee iwell? GonGder the Apo~ .files checke to the Corinthiam, 1 Epift.S-.2. (f lfnj .man thin/zy.. lice Jetow-cth any thirtg, let him ·k!f!ew he Jz.no-weth nothinJ!. as hce · :qug.ht to l{nerP. And cafr thine. .-eyes upon the belt-examples. in-. Scripture : fee the er.rours of Saints both iri iHdgcment; as Pe.__ ttr (Ga/.2 .8;9, 1 1,.). · an_d inpra-_ · Elije, ,