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how it differs. - Eli(e; . a~ Da-vid~ and t€Il n1ee ~ whether ·the befi hadnnt need :Be ftill taught in tbe tl:atutes. P(e 2. Againe,examine thy knowledge, and the !oundneffe ef it by this note,if it be hutnble: For there 'is a notable difference betweene the godly and wicked,. in regard of their knowledge. 1 • The wicked man is proud, and boafl:eth of that hee hath not : the Pharifee. of a key of knowledgf.!: an ordinary man,of' as muchkn~wledgc as the Miaifl:er>or a$ much as he needeth: ;vhereas the godly 1nan, being numble, fcarce acknow ledgcth. the treafure that he hath. Difference of good l'JH~n)and cvii, in rei pet\: of knowled;; 2. Whereas the wicked man~. ' having a fiigbt meafure of · knowledge,gives ap the me2ns, and refls in that meaiure ~ the godly, what mea 'ure foeve.r · they have, tl:ill follow God in: the n1eanes, ev.en for that they have, as if they had it nor .. Dil-- l vid being. well taught, praye~~ -;.__.:;;..;_...._ _..;.,___-<;'to -· _,_ 1·