Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

3 t0 .be taught more. • . 3. Whereas a wicke&man, , hav.ing a fm~ll1neafure ofkn-owl~dge, referres it to hi+n!elfe, as, ) gotten by his owne me~nes or' ipdw(l:ry ,and for his own ends jlS~ a.lfo fwels inhimielfe,~nd dei pi-. J~th ethe,rs, and .w.ill be knowne tp-have fomthiog above others :: the godly fiill flyes to the fame grace that firfi gave it, amal re~ f.frres it. to--the praife of the gi-·, ver ; -and-yeeldethto all other, t,hol>lgh not in gifts, . yet in hi~ . ' mind and affection. .. ";:hus the tr_ue knowledge- oft ·eh rift; as.the truth is in Chrifr~ , reacheth to be like ChriH who is meek! an;l hump/e• .vVhence .mufi:JQUow..,._ , . I. Ihat aooafling-.ofpuffing !_ knowledge is net found. Good men ne:v.er boafl: of fharpeneffe . qf fight, or quicknelfe ef under~ .. {landing, but fee the vaile unre:-- Ul0V~d,Jnd the skales not qni'te . f11H~n :0ff~ T;he,r ~re. J1Qt bJinde as;