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h.ow.. it.dif[ers... - - . - "-s before, but ~y reafon of fug~ and lufh,.and milb qf finfi1ll af~ futtions and motions, can feme-. times fee as little the things before them, as cA~ar · could ·the Well befo\'C her ( G~(n, 2I.) by rea fon ofher-paffion" or griefe, . I asCalvin judgeth.AndJaltnough 433_- . t their eyes be open,yet they fee how heavy . they be, and hardly. kept open ; as the Di!ciples '\vhen €hriU: w~rned them· to. watch; by reafon or ' ii eepine!fe ~nd dwln~ffe of fldh : -fo as they 111aly !ay with: the ~hurch, their. c ant.1,2.· ·.eyes fle~pe -wl:ten their he;rrt1:. ·f!wak§. They-may indeed pro- . feifewith drel:.lind·tnan, loh.9. 25. One thing Jk,ztow, wheretts { w at !J/ind; now [foe : · bnt mull adde with2llj yet. I fee how !:ittie 1 fee, even a -glimmering of things rather.tha-n- things tllcmfelves. · 2, It mufl:'follow,tbatf0und , knowledg-emuflcontiriually be- . w~ile ignorance and darkneffe: ·· lor ·