Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

434 CodiJ everd'.fire 1 ·---- f«1r whY'"bath -the L@rd left it in · us, but to humble us, tbat with · the refi ofthe law of the tnembers it m,ight bee as the Canaanites to exercife us, or as the pricke in the flei11lefl: we ihould_ be exalted out of meafure by a-- bundance of revelations? Nay,., as light and darkcndfe have a:, daily and interchangeable fight: in nature: fo the foute · muft: maintaine a continuall combate betweene kno-wledge and ig_norance. 3 3". It followes, . that found knowledg cannot be that whiCh in fenfe of want or weakenefle ll:riveth not in the meancs to a furth~r meaftire, that of weakeis not tnade fi rong, that nfeth , _ not to a farther affurance,or the ' Prov.4~18 •. like :for all feund knowledge ispr0veable, and the wayGf th.e jufl: fo inetb m.orc a:1d more till . p~rfed: qay. Thus of the {econd·poiJlt. 3.• r- he child ()f God mofl e.1r-- neflly,