Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

------ mort /zyo)l7/eagf ·:·why. 4 3} nejl!y dejiretb to /z.now the WtP-Je.f · ofGod: as our Prophet through ever dc:fi.. this whole Pfalme. Daniel; . wus of 1 b . h f1: h p h more ho y t 0og· a mo wort y rap et~. '- · 1 d . " ISUOW " g. yet read the Prophecie.r of /~re-. .. mie, Dan. 9. 1, 2. •• And all things· are du·ng to Saint P ~tu!, in re- · I fpetlofthe excelient ·/z.nowlcdge 1 of the vertue of Chrilt:s death refurred:ion, Phi(.J~ 7,~,~,10. · . But why? 1. B'ecaofe they know it to • L. be the ):)9ay of .G'oJ, and there is RusfonJ. · . no other: the way, . not onely 1 whereinGod himftlfe walketh,. who is the moft perfeel-· pattern of.his owne law, but efpecially ·becaufe it is the way bee bath ·1 chalked out for us to wal~e i~,­ who can walke toward hun IH his ewne way onety ;. as .we can i.ee the Sunne ondy by his owne light,and come to the Sea by his2 ~wne fl:reames. Fe2refulJ 2 ·, They oneiy di!cerne the effclts-.. of . 1 danger of !pirituaU darkeneffe ignorance. and blindndfe: How it wra~s 1. lfl