Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

4l6 Godly evcr.dejre , in ~anifold e.rfors of j~dgment, , fal!e doctrines and ooinions againltthe \fJord : Y:t Lerre, nH /x,nowing the Scripturer, (._}};[atth;, 2..2~ 29. and, Prov. I 9 1. Without · /zno-wledge the p1~1td~ iJ notgood ·: How it wraps in errors of life and conver!ation ; for fo the Scriptn-res afcribe all corruption ofmanners to ignorance : P.Aul , perfecute;d and wafted the Church, \vhy ? he did it ofignor#i('Zce~And in ignorance the Rulers put Chri{l to death : had they kn0t\vne, _they . would not have crncified the Lord of glo- . ry. How it wraps mGn under the po\ver of fit)ne, . and delivers them as volu.ntary fubjecls in kingdome of darknefle, .. under the Prince ofdarkeneffe, to be r~t./(a at.huw1!l, . as 2.Tim.2.26, and, when tnen rJgard not to ~o'R' God, how jutHy doth hee give thern up toa reprobate fot:Jfe as he did the Heathe-ns (Rom . I~ . 24.). to Cilm:tnit thiug~ . ~gainO: rea'! ) ~ .... , J ... X. ~ A31%AJ ... E!:W .-