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mfJ'rt' f0owltd;ge: why. - 43 7 reaf0riand nature? And finatly, . how it wraps them under the 4 ci1rfe o£ God, b0th temporall :tl)d et:ern:tll. v.fy peuple. perifo (faith the Loxd) f~r. · mtmt of ~now ledge; that is, are in tl:ate of perdition: they lye in.unbe- ~ leefe ; for, no know ledg~ ,. no faith j and not beleeving, they are cond\mnrd 11lretttly, I(jh. 3. I 8. And they are lyable every where to thofe . judgements which the Prophet prayes to be powred out upon them that /z.now n'(}t the nv-tme of God. Then for ·the eternaU curfe : when Chrifl: fuall oomc fro'm he_avenin fla- , ruing fire, bee !hallrender vengeance ofl all that k._.now nr;t G1d, Eph.4.18 ~ Thef.r.8. andjtl!Hy:fordeath hathfeized on them already : thev.are dcfiitute of t·he lite of God,. 6y the ignorance t.h~tt u in them :: their minde and c_onlcience is d-ead,and being {hangers to the life of God, they are thrufi under:-the power of eter- . nail