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3 . R.cv.roe'ro Godly efJer tleJire,&c. ( nall eleath: Prov. 1 o. I g. 7 he . foo/e dyeth for Wllnt of lt~o-w. leJg~. Therefore the Saints feeke after kn0wled!e-, as Davit/ her~. 3. They fee the neceffity o~ the \vord ofGod,and the know. ledge thereof: the Word ts the food of the fonle ; an hungry man longs·afrer his food j ana a goo& heart hungers after the Word. Hence the Prophets and men of God are fa id to ettt *P tbe little /Jr;ok,: ( e~e~. 3 ' I.) and t'l fill their bellies w1th it,as hungry men when they come at agood meale. The word of God is the wa· ter ofthe Well ofLife :and how necefiary is water ?· ho\v cloth a thirlty man. defire to be refre- 1 thed with water? fo doth the godly after the knowledge of God :· a~ad none but thirftj foules a.re called,or doe come to tbefe waters,Efo.5 5. r• Huw